Getting Your Ducts in a Row

These ducts work together to continuously cycle air throughout your house until it reaches the temperature that you have set on your thermostat.
Leaky ducts are often left unidentified until it is too late. Thus, the result is reduced comfort, a lack of energy efficiency, poorer indoor air quality, and safety concerns.
Having a leaky ductwork will reduce the overall comfort that your home can provide, because such problems allow air to escape from your home. Thus, some of the heat/AC that you are paying for is not reaching your rooms. This means that it will take longer for your room to reach the temperature on your thermostat.
Energy Efficiency
Not only does leaky ductwork cause discomfort, but it also means you are unable to enjoy the heat/AC that you are paying for. This also makes your furnace/air conditioner run longer than necessary to reach the temperature that you have set on your thermostat. Running your furnace or air conditioner for too long will increase the system's ware and increase your energy bills.
Not only will the heat/AC be unable to reach the rooms in your home, but air from your room will be unable to circulate back into heating/cooling system. This will make the machine work harder in order to produce its own air to be blown into your room. This too will increase both ware and energy bills.
Indoor Air Quality
A leaky duct may allow bad air, either from your crawlspace or attic, to enter your duct system and be circulated throughout the rest of your house.
Pressure imbalances may occur, which will leave some rooms under positive pressure, while others will be under a slight vacuum. If pressure imbalances like this happen, unhealthy air like dust, dirt, pollen, and other allergens, can be sucked into your home. Some of the allergens that are sucked into your home can cause your home to smell. If your basement or crawlspace has a musty smell, then that smell can be carried throughout your entire house. The source? Mold!
Back drafting can be aroused in rooms that are affected by pressure imbalances, which can happen within furnaces, wood stoves, gas ranges, and other combustion appliances. This can place your family at a higher risk of carbon monoxide exposure.
Allergens can be dangerous to your family's health, when airborne allergens can trigger allergic reactions in certain people. Allergic reactions are different for everyone, but some can be very harmful to your family's health. Doing something as simple as getting your ducts checked can help prevent your family's chances of getting sick and having allergic reactions.
It is estimated that up to 40% of the energy usage of your furnace/air conditioner is wasted by a leaky duct system. In addition, leaky ducts can contribute to a decrease in overall comfort, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and safety.
One of the best ways to prevent the effects of leaky ducts is to contact a local ductwork specialist. Dr. Energy Saver® Dutchess County offers free ductwork estimates in Hyde Park and its surrounding areas. If you have any questions about duct installation or how fixing your leaky ducts can save you money, contact